Isaiah 1:18a
Come now, let us argue it out, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet they shall be like snow.
The context of when in Scripture the Lord says these words is after the people have been told that they are missing the point and worshiping in what we would call a performative way. They are not actually showing up with hearts open to the message of the Lord – which includes caring about people other than us, feeding the hungry, and seeing those who are too often not seen.
I love this verse because it witnesses to how well God knows us. We don’t want to just look at our lives and say ‘Oh I need to change. I’m not doing this right.’ We want to defend ourselves. We want to give God our excuses. We want to argue it out. And God says, ‘Okay – let’s hear it. But when we’re done, the answer will be the same. You will need your sin, your defensiveness, your apathy forgiven. And I’ll be here ready to wash it out and help you start over again.’
Reflection Questions:
1) What do you need to see about your life of faith that you’ve been denying?
2) Do you think denial is an issue in your life?
3) Can you imagine yourself arguing something out with God? What would it be?
Prayer: Dear God, Please help me to be open to what you are showing me about how to live life in this world, not in denial, but present to what you want me to see. In Jesus Name, Amen