Psalm 89:1
I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever;
with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations.
Singing and Faith
Have you ever thought about the role singing plays in our faith?
We tend to judge our own singing as good, bad, or in-between. But the singing isn’t about the quality of our voices. It’s about helping us find a way to open ourselves with our hearts, minds, bodies and souls, to love God.
At different times in my life, I’ve noticed that it is in the singing that I am most vulnerable, most present to the love that God has for us. If I am sad, there’s something in me that tries to keep that private, a bit pushed down inside. But if I’m singing in the house of God, I notice that I just feel what I’m feeling, and am present to the experience of a relationship with the God whose love is steadfast, who is faithful to all generations, who will not let us go.
Prayer: Dear God, Help us to find ways, like singing, to be present to the love you hold us in, now and forever, Amen.
Reflection Questions:
1) Do you find singing to be a place you can be vulnerable and genuine in your relationship with God? If not – is there another place that jumps to mind?
2) What are some songs that fill you up with the love of God?
3) As we prepare the way of Christ’s coming into the world – what song do you look forward to singing?
I’ve sung in choirs, big and little, excellent, good, or not so good since I was in seventh grade. That’s roughly 73 years. While our music is either inspirational or tolerated by the congregation, it is the act of putting words into music that opens my heart. Most anthems bring new understanding of scriptures. And when I re-read a passage in my Bible, it’s set to the music I sang once upon a time.
I love hearing this reflection! Reading the Bible with music under the surface is such a powerful experience.Thank you for sharing!