The Word of the Day
Isaiah 50:4b Morning by morning the Lord wakens – wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught.
Lately – I’ve been hearing people talk about their morning spiritual routines and rituals. Some spend the first minutes of the day with a cup of coffee and the Bible. Some sit on the porch and meditate. Some journal, some go for nature walks, and some try not to open their eyes until they’ve thought about something they are grateful for. This verse tells us that the Lord wakes us up every morning – and gives us a chance to listen and learn.
I love the image of listening as those who are taught. When I am excited about what I’m learning – I listen hoping to hear something that will inspire, nurture, heal, even transform me. Could we engage the word from the Lord as people who expect to hear something that might change how we are living? Would that be a lesson we’d get excited to learn?
What is the word of the Lord today for you?
Reflection Questions:
- Write down your word for today – what word jumps out at you as a gift from God?
- How do you make space to listen for God?
- Where in your life do you pray for change?
Help me O Lord to be open to listening deeply to what you have to teach me. In Jesus Name, Amen